Welcome to Runaway Point


2025 Board Meeting Schedule

All Board Meetings are at 6 PM

Place: 5501 S. Lakeshore Drive
(The Lakes Clubhouse)

RingCentral (Zoom) option will be available for the meetings.

Please join us at  RingCentral and enter your name and the following meeting information:

Meeting ID: 722699289
Or dial: (650)419.1505
Access code/ Meeting ID: 722699289

  • January 20
  • February 17
  • March 17
  • April 21
  • May 19
  • June 16
  • September 18
  • Annual Meeting: October 15


Having a problem in your unit?

If you are experiencing an issue and need help, you will need to complete a service request with Heywood Management. Use the link below to start a Service Request.

Runaway Point is one of the condominium complexes located in The Lakes community in Tempe, Arizona.  Our main intersections are Baseline Road & Lakeshore Drive. Runaway Point is a condominium community with 50 condo units.  We have 5 buildings.

Each building has a condo on the ground floor with two bedrooms and a condo up above with three bedrooms.  We are on the beautiful man made lake and have access to use The Lakes facilities.  On our property we have a small but beautiful swimming pool as well as a large fenced park area with a boat dock.

Each condo is individually owned.  To find properties for sale, please contact your real estate agent.

Heywood Management Company manages Runaway Point. Our representatives are Steve Cheff and Carlee Collins. Steve can be contacted at 480-420-1704. Carlee can be reached at 480-420-1706.

We have one recycle bin located near the Lakeshore Drive side of the complex, near the fire gate.

Realtors:  Please be sure to add this to your listing:

  • For buyers/prospective owners: Only One Dog allowed, 45 lbs or under.  No exceptions, please.   Also be sure to share our Rules and Regulations with interested buyers.  Thank you.